by GE Turf Solutions & Consultants | Apr 7, 2021
All tests and written materials are sourced directly from Ceres Turf, Inc. Viper Nose™ Quads have a new and significantly improved heat-treating process. When run against our own standard quad tines we saw a clear and evident improvement with no plugging or...
by GE Turf Solutions & Consultants | Mar 23, 2021
TRUE PLANT HEALTH™ is about converting sunlight to proteins in finely mowed turf, to be used for either structure or defense. The more proteins that are stored, the more they can be used for structure in growing rhizomes and stolons, resulting in greens that...
by GE Turf Solutions & Consultants | Mar 9, 2021
Because we don’t have calcareous soils in our area, most of our clients need to continuously add calcium to help “balance” their soils. With aerification right around the corner, it is time to think about how to best utilize bulk calcium amendments. What is the...
by GE Turf Solutions & Consultants | Feb 23, 2021
Because the total amount of nitrogen absorbed by the plant is critical to maintain the “IDEAL” metabolic efficiencies within the plant, it is imperative to know how much soluble nitrogen is being released from the soil and how those levels change through the growing...
by GE Turf Solutions & Consultants | Feb 8, 2021
Golf course superintendents want their putting green leaf blades to be “needle-like” and to stand up for better playability, constantly working to avoid weak, thin turf or succulent, wide leaf blades that fall over. This can best be achieved when the plant...