Balancing Metabolic Equilibrium
Gas Exchange
In the previous email, we discussed ways of using Floratine’s CalpHlex to create more CO2 in the soil. However, creating more CO2 is ineffectual if we can’t get it out of the soil and into the plant.
Read the previous article here.
So, let’s discuss keeping channels open in the soil for the CO2 to escape and get taken in by the leaf stomates. The traditional approach is to aerify greens and physically create a hole for CO2 to get out and O2 to get in. This approach impacts about 5% of the surface and typically happens 2-4 times a year.
Since CO2 is required everyday, superintendents can also take a chemical approach and impact 100% of the surface by using ionic high quality humic acids. The negative charge coats the soil particles and pushes them apart creating channels for better gas exchange.