We all know that, at this time of year, heat stress is the most severe issue for C3 cool season turfgrass. But what about when heat stress combines with other stresses such as traffic stress?
Win Against Traffic Stress with Better Transpiration Rates and Cellular Strength
Then it is time to add Fight’s On 0-0-18 + 3.6 Si to the mix for better transpiration rates and cellular strength. The combination of proprietary metabolites and food grade nutrients of Fight’s On is designed to cool the plant faster by increasing the hydraulic pressure in the plant, bringing more water up from the roots, moving through the plant and exhausting out the leaves. At the same time, the product is boosting wear tolerance by increasing the cellular strength of the stems and leaves.
Win Against Heat Stress
Perk Up and Floradox Pro work together to slow down respiration and resupply defensive and recuperative proteins. They are the only products on the market that accomplish these tasks. Both use patented phytohormones, pharmaceutical & food grade nutrients, and proprietary metabolites to achieve superior results.
Products with the 3X strength difference naturally restore what has been taken away by mowing low.