Real results using True Plant Health™
This baseball team’s greatest concern is for the safety of the players.
Having the strongest structured turf will minimize safety risks and improve playability.
How to Build Strong Roots:
Trigger the plant to make and store more proteins.
TRUE PLANT HEALTH™ is constantly building more proteins and enzymes than the plant currently needs and storing them in the roots for future needs. The process of building proteins and enzymes starts with capturing sunlight in order to make carbohydrates, to make amino acids, and to eventually make proteins and enzymes for structure and defense.
However, the ultimate number of proteins and enzymes that can be produced is limited by the amount of sunlight (photons) that the plant can capture.
Because of the nature of daily mowing turf low, the amount of potential sunlight captured becomes a low fixed number. So how can we build more proteins and enzymes with a limited amount of captured sunlight?
A customized budget-friendly True Plant Health™ plan that includes:
- Patented phytohormone ratios
- Purest nutrients
- Powerful metabolites
Contact us to find out about our unique approach to common problems with highly managed turf.