USGA Green Section Record
Volume 61, Issue 02
In areas where bentgrass greens face considerable summer stress, superintendents should evaluate whether growth regulator applications are making things worse. (USGA/Kirk Owens)
PGRs and Creeping Bentgrass
“A growing body of research and practical experience suggests that discontinuing PGR use on bentgrass greens for part or all of the year in certain areas can lead to improved turf health and playing conditions.”
Golf course superintendents in these regions need to evaluate if PGRs are negatively impacting their creeping bentgrass performance at certain times of the year and whether changes could lead to resource savings and improved turf quality.
“Under suboptimal growing conditions – e.g., high heat and humidity – PGRs can increase stress on creeping bentgrass, delaying recovery and negatively impacting stress defense systems in the plant.”
- Reducing inputs and stress factors during periods of high heat and humidity are clear advantages.
- Improved feedback from data collection is another advantage. PGRs limit a turfgrass manager’s understanding of how fertilizer, fungicide, water, weather and cultural programs impact turfgrass growth.
- PGRs may have a negative impact on creeping bentgrass competition against crabgrass and goosegrass. Ongoing research at Virginia Tech indicates that Class A PGR use leads to an increase in these grassy weeds compared to putting greens that are not treated with PGRs.
- Many golf courses have seen improved conditions and performance of creeping bentgrass putting greens with the elimination of PGR use. They have also seen a reduction in fertilizer and spray applications, along with improved control of summer grassy weeds.
“Many golf courses in the mid-Atlantic and Southeast with creeping bentgrass putting greens have successfully removed PGRs from their management programs in the heat of summer or throughout the entire year with huge improvements in turfgrass health and performance.”
Contact GE Turf to learn how our clients have successfully reduced or stopped using PGRs, while increasing their turf health for better playability.