As we learned from step 4, proteins are critical components in the survival of mowed low turfgrasses because they are used by the plant as natural defense from stress and attacks.
But how can a plant better utilize them? It all starts with slowing down the plant’s respiration cycle by using phytohormones and boosting its protein production processes.
Common problems: stress responses
When a plant is under any kind of stress, its natural response is to grow so that is can capture more sunlight to meet protein production needs. This triggers the plant to burn reserves (respiration) to achieve more topical growth. Unfortunately, the plant is mowed again before it can capture enough sunlight to meet its protein production needs, thus triggering the plant to burn more reserves again. This continuing process requires the plant to use a large amount of energy, often resulting in depletion of its reserves.
However, turf managers can give the turf specific phytohormone combinations which slow down the energy depleting respiration cycle and help the plant to conserve energy to be used at the site of attack. The plant can then immediately send resources to contain and repel infection without wasting time.
Perk Up was specifically designed for this common problem with finely-mowed, photosynthetically challenged turfgrasses.
Perk Up
- Has the specific 3-type phytohormone ratio that slows down the plant’s respiration cycle.
- Has the purest food-grade calcium to quickly help the plant seal up and strengthen cell walls.
- Has proprietary strong metabolites that contain complex carbohydrates, antioxidants and amino acids to help the plant produce more proteins faster.
Provides rapid relief from photosynthetic and respiration stresses. It is an advanced formulation of readily available food-grade calcium and carbohydrates complexed with a proprietary blend of patented phytohormones, antioxidants and amino acids.
No other competitor does this.
Check out the Perk Up product sheet here.
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