Low dose chlorothalonil
The protocols were designed to determine if a combination of a low-rate contact fungicide and a Floratine nutritional program, containing patented phytohormones, purest food-grade nutrients and powerful proprietary metabolites could help turf fend off stress and disease pressure.
“We have conducted summer stress studies at Michigan State University for the past 12 years on both Poa annua and creeping bentgrass greens to find products that can help the turf survive the summer stress period and remain healthy. The results from our studies have shown the best treatment has been the Floratine program in combination with chlorothalonil. The Floratine program has provided healthy turf with the highest turf quality rating through the summer stress study.”
Joseph Vargas, Ph.D.
Michigan State University Professor
“This is my first year working with Floratine and I am very impressed with the results. The trials with Floratine and a generic chlorothalonil were statistically better than all other fungicide combinations for diseases.”
David McCall
Virginia Tech Turfgrass Pathologist
To learn more about True Plant Health and how GE Turf utilizes the Floratine program, visit our website and read about our process or contact your territory manager to take the necessary steps toward high quality, healthy turf.